Thursday, February 9, 2012

Grocery Storeee

I don't know about some of you, but this girl loves to go to the grocery store! I absolutely love walking in to Kroger and seeing all the beautiful produce! I was looking on pinterest yesterday and kept seeing all of these recipes with fresh vegetables! It inspired me to start eating more FRESH and less FROZEN veggies. My mom always fed us canned veggies because with twins, it was what was fastest for her! ...and I'm not complaining because they were GGGOOOODDD! I love Le Sueur's english peas in the can are my favorite! Put those on top of a pile of mashed potatoes
like so.. and you have you a side dish! It's so good.. but did you ever think about how many calories and unnecessary fats and carbs and sugars are in this? SAY NO TO CANNED VEGGIES!

So, when I went to the grocery store yesterday I wanted to purchase things that were different. I have never really had an opportunity to have a variety of veggies. I always had the usual peas, potatoes, corn, carrots, green beans, and turnip greens and that gets boring after a while. So when I went yesterday I purchased a ton of fresh veggies! I hope they will last until time to cook them! I may have to tote them to grandma's house this weekend with me so we can "put them up"! I got...
These were my purchases at the store yesterday! I'm proud of myself! Now I did buy a supreme pizza that I look forward to eating for my cheat meal of the week.. but other than that, I'm on a eating healthy spree for the most part! I bought some swiss chard about two weeks ago and cooked it.. lets just say I didn't like it. Matter of fact, It was DISGUSTING! I'm not a really big greens person.. I don't eat much turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, spinach, etc... I just recently started liking cabbage. I try to eat a little of it just because it's really good for you, but i'm not a big fan! Sad thing is my mom and my grandma had a turnip green garden this fall/winter! I tried to grow carrots, radish, broccoli, and lettuce but nothing made. I'm still learning about gardening so don't judge! :P

On a gardening note, I can't wait until April so that I can plant my spring/summer garden!!!! I had squash, a crap ton of cucumbers, jalapenos, habaneros, tomatoes, and bell peppers last spring! I know to only plant one pepper plant because they make like crazy!!! and we pickled most of the cucumbers because they don't last long after picking for salads..

Hooray for healthier eating!
Lauren xoxox

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