Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Kayden's hat

Happy Sunday, everyone! How has your day gone so far? I have been extra lazy for the most part so far, but hopefully I can turn that around and get productive somehow! Before I tell about the gift I made for baby Kayden (my best friend's baby that will be born Thursday!) I want to back up a little bit and fill you in on some things that have happened between her and I within the past year or so!

Brittany and I met in kindergarten at Flowood Elementary school and instantly connected! We became best friends to the point where we were hanging out nearly every day! I would constantly ask my mom to bring me over to Brittany's house or go get her.. Of course sometimes that wouldn't always happen; but you get the point! I have fond memories of Brittany's neighborhood growing up. The riding scooters of speed bumps, the walking down Old Fannin Road on a hot summer day to come to eachother's houses, her pantsing me in front of a boy's house that we thought was super cute (with my granny panties on; I was like 10), sneaking up and petting horses in a pasture next to her house, etc... I have so many memories! Brittany's brother passed and her mom decided that they were going to move back to Chattanooga, Tennessee; their hometown to live close to family. They moved the summer after seventh grade and I was heart broken! My mom brought me over there the morning before they left and I remember getting in the car and crying my whole way home! She definitely had a place in my heart! We would often keep up with each other over the phone because her home now is about 6 hours away from me. At the begining of last year I lost contact with her. She had gotten a new phone and was working all of the time to make some money to support herself and help her family as her Dad had to have a pacemaker put in. I called her on her birthday to wish her a happy birthday and was directed to voicemail. I texted her and asked her to please call me with no response. I called her and some man would answer and I would never have a call back. I soon became worried that something wasn't right, but as the months passed I gave up on trying to get in touch with her. I was mad, I was frustrated, and just plain upset. I had lost contact with my BEST FRIEND SINCE KINDERGARTEN!

The other day I was working on some Literature homework on the computer when I suddenly had this urge to try and find a number through white pages on the internet. I searched for her mom's name, I searched for her dad's name, and I searched for her name, but all I could get was addresses without having to pay. I then wrote two letters to the two adresses that were provided to see if I could get a response from either one. Then it hit me! I dialed 411. I was directed to a lady and told her who I was looking for and the city/state. She said there was no one under that name. Then I told her a different name and she said there was one listing, but in a different city in TN. I knew that had to be it because the city she listed I remembered Brittany talking about often. It rang and rang and rang and I thought Lord please someone pick up! Brittany's mom answered! I certainly recognized the voice and Brittany happened to be over there! We talked and talked for probably an hour! It was such a relief to know that she is ok and I now have a way to contact her!
After talking for about 5 minutes Brittany told me she was having a baby Thursday! A baby boy! How exciting! So much can happen within a year and it surely has! I have missed talking to her and am really excited about being an "Aunt LaLa!" Not really related, but you know when best friends have children, you have to call yourself an aunt! haha! So in the midst of this all, I got to crocheting on some things! I knew I needed to hurry up and get something made to ship of Monday so that it would be there by Thursday for baby Kayden to have! I was trying to think of all ways to do something without spending much money as I'm always looking for ways to save! I have all kinds of yarn from when I had a crocheting frenzy when I first started! I'm not professional by any means and my Nanny puts me to shame, but I can do it! I watched some YouTube videos and this is what I got!

Here's the hat!

Anyways, this is baby Kayden's hat I made; granny stitched! I learned to make this...
You can teach yourself its so easy! I will be making some baby booties or something to go along with this for when I ship it tomorrow! Go grab some yarn and a crochet hook and get to work!

with all the love in the world,
Lauren xoxo

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