Tuesday, January 3, 2012

FIRST productive day of the YEAR!

I have been so productive today! I am working hard to accomplish my new years resolutions; one was to be productive and get things done when they need to be done! That's what I have done today!
          I will admit that I did not wake up at 8 or 8:30 this morning, but I did take a shower, get dressed and ready when I did wake up! Annnndddd I got things done today!
          I had to take Justin to work today because after his accident with his hand, he cannot drive his standard until his right hand semi-heals. After dropping him off at work I took 2 bags of clothes, 3 boxes of books, and 3 pairs of shoes to the goodwill in Pearl. It was nice to give some things that were once mine to the people who need them most. I continually told myself not to get rid of some things because I just knew that they were going to fit me again someday... but I have yet to fit into those things, so I've finally given them up. I do plan to get into a size 6 again one day!
          Besides taking those things to goodwill, I took a couple of name brand things to a store in Ridgeland that buys nice clothing from you. It's a secondhand store. I took a couple of shirts, skirts, and a purse.. They didn't buy anything I had. I was kind of frustrated at first because I went out of the way to try and sell them something for their store, and they didn't buy anything! but.. they are a business, and if they don't think they can sell it, then they won't buy it. Makes perfect sense. My stuff was in good shape, just out of style.. DERNIT! Who is going to get rid of things that are in style right now anyways? I guess I'm just less caught up with society than most.. but I'm okay with that. I will not be going back to that store to sell anything. I can at least say I tried. Now I have those few things that need to go to goodwill, but I am not making another trip today. After fully cleaning out everything in the house, I will surely have some more things that need to go there.
          I went to return some headphones I had bought before Christmas and got my full refund on them! I was afraid that they weren't going to allow me to return them because I bought them about a month ago, but they did! I was happy about that. When I finally made it to Kroger on my way home to pay something for Justin, I saw a group of people looking at some things in the middle aisle (the holiday aisle).. I went and walked by it and they had some beautiful Christmas drinking glasses on sale for 13 cents a piece! Are you kidding me? I couldn't pass that deal up! I bought 12 of them! That means I spent $1.56 on 12 nice glasses besides the tax! No picture for that because who knows who will get them for Christmas next year! ;p
          I finally made it home, cooked dinner, and now I'm here! BTW, I used my crock pot today! Beef tips and gravy over rice, squash, and leftover vegetables (cabbage, black eyed peas, & corn) is what's for dinner!
          To end my post I can successfully say that I am having a good start to some of my new years resolutions! Hip hip hooray! How about you?
Taking it one day at a time!

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