Wednesday, April 4, 2012


     A crazy spell came over me and made me decide to do the warrior dash. Mind you, the warrior dash has never been to MISSISSIPPI before and I was stoked when I finally heard about it. I have always wanted to do these crazy runs and stuff, but I've seen all the pictures of friends out of state doing runs. They seemed so much more fun than the boring ones in the sip. Of course, they're all for a good cause, but still.. I saw pictures of people doing The Color Run and Krispy Kreme challenge (in Raleigh, NC) and things of that sort! How fun are those? Instead, MS gets the lamest of the lamest and just run... So Justin's mom was trying to tempt me to do this "Warrior Dash" with her and some friends from work. My reply was kind of hesitant and I wasn't so sure I could do this. Then I was thinking in my head "ohhh 3 miles isn't that bad!!!" anddd then I found out the price. $70 dollars to go run? What the heck are these people thinking? I am a major penny pincher when it comes to stuff like that and I couldn't see myself spending that much money to do an obstacle course through mud. Sure, it's fun, but I could do that out in the country for no charge. I mean Hellurrrrr, this is Mississippi!

The next day I got FB and saw that one of the local radio stations was giving away 5 free registrations to this run! How perfect is that. The only requirement was to comment on their status listing ways you have become healthier. I did it and the next day I was mentioned in their comment. I had won! I never win anythinggggg!!! I won a free registration to do the warrior dash!

On April 21st I will need you guys to be praying for me! haha. I am going to do the warrior dash with some of my friends. We have been training a little bit here and there in the gym via treadmill, but I doubt that will help much. No matter what, I'm just doing it for the fun, the challenge, and to finish!

I'm excited, but scared at the same time!

a wannabe marathon runner!

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