Thursday, May 24, 2012

Failing squash and zucchini plants...

Hey folks!
It's been so long since I've been on here it feels like. Well, actually.. I check others' posts nearly everyday, but I have no clue why I haven't just written something on my own blog! Well, actually I do know why.. but that's besides the point! I'll have to do some major updating with all of the things that have been going on!

For this post, I will stick to my garden! I remember last year was my first gardening experience and some strange things happened to say the least! I planted late and so my harvest wasn't as large as I would have liked it to be. My bell peppers didn't make until October! I left the plant in the garden because they had not produced anything by the end of the summer. I didn't want the plant (and money) to be a waste, so I left it up and it produced in October! I have found out that bell peppers like cool weather instead of the incredibly hot Mississippi summers. Also, my squash last year never made. My plants would bloom and then the flower would fall off before it ever was able to make anything. I couldn't find out what the heck was wrong with it. They never produced any squash. Me being me, I tried again this year and the same thing is happening! The leaves are way too large and they are covering up the flowers and the flowers aren't getting enough sun.

I mentioned this issue to one of my bosses at work and she explained that maybe they aren't getting enough sun and the flower isn't getting dry enough to perk out and open up for the bees to pollinate them. This makes total sense! I went out and worked in my garden for a small amount of time today before work. Dug up some weeds and hoed it up to stir the dirt. I realized how extra large the leaves are on the plants and the flowers are down in the bottom. THE LEAVES ARE COVERING UP MY FLOWERS AND PREVENTING THEM FROM GETTING ENOUGH SUN! This has got to be the problem. So to my dear gardening friends, what do I do? I love squash and zucchini and would really like a harvest this year! Pretty please?

On a side note, I planted banana peppers, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, cucumber, speckled butter beans, zucchini, and squash. All of my other plants are doing well! Especially my cucumber! They did great last year! (they don't have so many leaves on them and the flowers are out in the open since they vine!)

This is my little garden!
Do you see those extra large leafs right there? I need help.... or my zucchini and squash need help!

a wannabe green thumb,

PS. I am going to try and get back in the swing of updatinggg!! Much love for now!

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